Surya Paloh: National Politic Relives the Spirit of Unity

The cross between the country’s politics that is increasingly dynamic towards 2024 with the current recession that is hitting the world, requires us to always be vigilant, careful, and not make a mistake. We must not be hasty in taking attitudes and decisions. And presumably, national politics is a pillar that can be our common grip.

This was conveyed by Surya Dharma Paloh in a Scientific Oration of an Honorary Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) Awarding in Political Sociology by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FISIP-UB), Monday (25/07/2022), in Samantha Krida building.

Surya Paloh said that national politics is politics that invites all parties to the spirit of unity. That in fact we are different in many ways, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that we are all committed to the spirit of national unity and integrity.

“National politics is a political line that should be the commitment of all political parties. All parties must realize that competition in elections is a necessity and will be repeated every five years. Therefore, the more important is to maintain the sustainability and existence of this nation-state,” he explained.

Therefore, he continued, the election is not just a space for contestation and the change of national leaders. Elections are the embodiment of political ideas and competition that are full of mature attitudes and space for the intellectual life of the nation.

“It’s time for us to end the political practice that is full of hate. The founders of this nation have agreed that the Republic of Indonesia is a state for all; not a state for one person or one group; but all for all. No more ‘we’ or ‘you’. There is no longer my group or yours. What exists is ‘we’ are all Indonesians,” he said.

Also attending this activity was the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia 2004-2019 Dr. (HC) Drs. H. Jusuf Kalla, Minister of Environment and Forestry, Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, M.Sc, Indonesian Minister of Agriculture Prof. Dr. H. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, SH., M.Sc., MH, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives, Rachmat Gobel, several regional heads, as well as leaders of universities and faculties in UB. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]