Prof. Dr. Sunyoto Usman, a professor of Sociology Faculty of Social and Political Science Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta in collaboration with Study Program of Sociology Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University organized a book review “Modal Sosial” which is his work.
The event that was conducted in 7th floor hall building B of Faculty of Social and Political Science on Thursday (08/Mar/2018), in outline, wanted to give understandings to students that social changes not only need infrastructure, physical capital, financial support and human resources resilience but also social relations which institutionalize trust, reciprocal relationships and social network. Social capital is socially intangible, and can only identified or understood after people have social relations. It is different with physical capital characteristics.
Sunyoto explained that there are three kinds of capital including physical, humans and social. Physical is characterized as can be measured, meanwhile human capital is related to human resources. Meantime, social capital is frequently equated with human capital, instead it is different. Social capital is intangible and newly found after someone is in relations with others at several levels, namely levels of group, organization, community, society. Sunyoto added that an indicator that a region has high social capital is low conflict, pluralism relations between ethnics and religion is harmonious, as well as good positioning, for instance not looking at tribal background. [Charisma/HUMAS FISIP/Humas UB/trans. Denok]