Socialize Vote Transfer, Three UB Students Create Digital Pocket Book

General elections, or abbreviated as pemilu, are one of the political activities that are routinely held in Indonesia every five years. But unfortunately, as the election period approaches like today, not everyone understands how important it is to exercise their voting rights as citizens. The high number of abstentions in society is also a problem in the implementation of this democratic party.

The lack of interest in participating in the election process is also influenced by technical obstacles in the field, one of which is the location of origin and the process of vote transfer. This is the background for three students from the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Brawijaya University in making a pocket book about the process of Vote Transfer for the 2024 Election.

Process for Making a Pocket Book in Understanding Vote Transfer for the 2024 Election

This book was created by Sambu Satrio Utomo with Samuel Bintang Raka Siwi and Irham Dwi Febrianto. “This pocket book contains explanations of procedures that can be carried out by anyone who wants to take part in the election process outside their domicile,” said Sambu.

For someone who is migrating, added Sambu, returning to their home domicile within a fairly short period of time and over a fairly long distance is of course something that needs to be considered. “Meanwhile, if a person still does not fulfill the requirements and procedures, he/ she will not be able to exercise his rights outside his area of domicile. However, this is actually not an obstacle if migrants carry out existing procedures related to the process of vote transfer,” he explained.

This Vote Transfer pocket book is the result of discussions between students while completing the internship process at Bawaslu Malang City, and has been approved with Bawaslu Malang City staff. “The choice of the most effective way to disseminate information about voting transfer procedures is also very important, considering that Malang City itself is a city that brings in a lot of migrants,” said this 2020 batch student.

This pocket book is aimed primarily at students who are migrating to Malang City. However, it does not rule out the possibility for the wider community who are not in their home domicile to still exercise their voting rights during the election.

With this pocket book, he and his group hope that migrants will be able to better understand the procedures for vote transfer which can be accessed and seen in the pocket book. “Moreover, at UB there are many students from outside the city or outside the island. And this pocket book can be a guide for them in the upcoming 2024 elections. To make it easier to distribute, we have made this pocket book in digital form,” he concluded. (VQ/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)