Technological sophistication has made easiness for us to get information and literacy in the internet. Unfortunately many people easily do plagiarism started from literature circles until academics. In academician circles, it has been countless any longer of plagiarism cases or thesis cribbing.
Now do not need to worry anymore with plagiarism which is already happened a lot, since there is a website which provides facilities to detect plagiarism action into a work of which its authenticity should be examined, that is at By Turnitin, we can detect how many percent level of copy paste in a scientific work.
UB library has a high concern to overcome plagiarism in a scientific work arranged by students and lecturers. Therefore, UB library subscribes Turnitin software since 2016.
In order to introduce Turnitin into the academic communities, UB library held a socialization and workshop on Turnitin application in all UB’s faculties. To this day, UB library already had it around 5 times including Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Computer Sciences.
Head of UB library, Drs. Johan AE Noor, M.Sc., PhD became an instructor in each workshop which accompanied by Hermintatik, SAB., MA and Dedy Gusra. For the first stage, UB had quotas around 1,000 username and password designated for students and lecturers.
Each faculty has quota of 40 username and password, if in its first stage is maximal, then the Rector will increase quota of username and password becomes 6,000 users.
In order to get username and password, each faculty should submit name and e-mail in manually and e-list to UB library. Afterwards, each faculty can propose to get guidance/workshop in Turnitin application from the library. [perpustakaan/Humas UB/trans. Denok]