Socialization and Workshop of System-Based Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM)

One form of Universitas Brawijaya’s commitment in improving the quality of good services to stakeholders is by conducting ongoing evaluations through Community Satisfaction Surveys (SKM).

In line with this, the Sub-division for Handling Complaints and Satisfaction Surveys of the Information and Public Relations Division (DIK) of Universitas Brawijaya on Wednesday (27/3/2024) carried out the activity “Socialization and Workshop on System-Based Community Satisfaction Surveys (SKM)” in UB.

This activity, which took place in the Algorithm Auditorium, G Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Computer Science, UB, was officially opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and Internationalization Andi Kurniawan S.Pi., M.Eng. D.Sc.

Starting his speech, Andy said that the Chancellor gave great concern to this activity, not only because this event was important, but also the things that would be discussed, things that would be looked at together were also concerns of the Deans.

“So, it is a grateful thing according to him and we also agree when the leaders pay more attention to this Community Satisfaction Survey to the point of providing a critical review of how this was done,” he explained.

Andi also said that UB is targeted to reach 500 ranks in the world, while now it is only at 800 – 650 position in the world. By studying and taking a closer look at Brawijaya’s development philosophy, the statement that we explicitly gave when we became a PTN BH, Brawijaya’s nature is 500 in the world, so that if Brawijaya is not 500 in the world, it is not yet in the ecosystem it should be.

“If we look at internal capacity, it is synonymous with improving internally, while reputation/ranking is synonymous with outward expansion, but if we fundamentally combine these two logical roots of thought, then in fact the nature of Universitas Brawijaya should be at 500 in the world, that Brawijaya with its existing entity is at 500 in the world, Therefore, by compressing internal capacity alone, 500 worlds is a necessity,” said Andi.

“In this reflection, we will find many things that need to be improved, that strengthening internal capacity to deliver Brawijaya to the real ecosystem must be based on a process of evaluation and reflection. And this evaluation and reflection that will lead us wisely to be able to improve ourselves, not to become an organization that is arrogant and feels big and also not to become an organization that breaks the mirror even though our appearance is bad. This process of reflection and evaluation is actually the philosophical basis of the community satisfaction survey,” he added.

At the end of his speech, Andi also congratulated and thanked the team that had overseen this process and also said that he hoped that the Dean and Leadership would provide input, information and suggestions because in this workshop we not only made PAN RB ministerial regulation no. 14 of 2017 which provides nine indicators as a reference for community satisfaction surveys but provide room for adaptation so that each unit is given the freedom to submit the required surveys.

“In accordance with the Chancellor’s direction, what we are doing is part of UB’s digital transformation and of course what we are doing is actually trying to evaluate and reflect the assessment indicators which we will use as a reference for the process of how the assessment is carried out and ultimately the positive response we give from the values ​​we obtained and in this internal strengthening process are definitely not perfect, there are definitely dynamics and discourses, but if our vision is the same as our unity, we can maintain it, then a million UB typhoons will be among the world’s 500,” he concluded. (ron/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

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