Socialization on the Danger of Flies to Food Safety and Food Security

Socialization of the Dangers of Flies to Food Safety and Food Security in Medowo Village, Kediri Regency, East Java

Flies are one type of insect that is commonly found in the environment around human habitation. Without realizing it, the natural characteristics of flies as periodic animals that move from one place to another can be a threat to human health, especially if they land on food.

This is the basis for providing socialization regarding the dangers of flies to food safety and food security for the community in Medowo Village, Kediri Regency, East Java. Food security means the availability of food for humans, while food safety is food that is safe for human consumption, free from various pathogenic microorganisms or hazardous materials that can be a source of human health problems.

This program was held by Real Work Lecture (KKN) students under the Integrated Community Service scheme under the guidance of drh. Gretania Residiwati, M. Si., Ph. D. The team was assisted by the Kertajaya Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) with a veterinarian in charge from the KUD Kertajaya Animal Health (Keswan) team.

The activity lasted for 12 days from June 24 to July 5, 2024, targeting the community and livestock breeders in Medowo Village. Socialization was carried out door to door by visiting residents’ homes and through community activities, namely religious studies.

The socialization method includes pre-socialization interview activities, providing pre-tests, socialization activities by distributing modules or pamphlets, post-tests, and post-socialization.

“The provision of pre-tests and post-tests aims to be a comparative parameter for community understanding of the material presented,” said Gretania.

The Integrated Community Service scheme KKN program was enthusiastically welcomed by Medowo Village community.

“Through the data obtained from filling out the pre-test and post-test, there was an increase in community understanding of the socialization material. Through the Community Satisfaction Index provided, the community requested that the socialization program can be held again, especially discussing the making of the final product from the milk that has been milked,” concluded Gretania. [Patrice/GR/Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]