Daya Utama Bekasi High School Students Visit FISIP

Class 12 students from Daya Utama Bekasi High School visited the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Monday (27/02/24).

The visit opened with remarks from Nur Thoyibah S.E., MM. as Principal of Daya Utama Bekasi High School. He hopes that students can listen to the presentation of the material well.

“Maybe this year you will have an announcement soon. But next year there is still a chance for UTBK and there is still a chance for independent selection. So it’s not too late. Everyone still has a chance,” he said.

Daily Executive, Chair of the Center for Information Systems and Public Relations, FISIP UB, Yuli Rahmawati S.Psi., M.Psi, expressed her gratitude to Daya Utama Bekasi High School for making the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) one of the destinations in their journey.

“So friends, if there are still those who are unsure about what major they want to enter, maybe later after the explanation they will be more confident in choosing a major,” she said.

Yuli Rahmawati S.Psi., M.Psi also added that there are six undergraduate programs that can be chosen, namely Psychology, International Relations, Communication Science, Political Science, Government Science, and Sociology.

Then the visit continued with a presentation of material regarding the facilities available at Universitas Brawijaya along with the registration route that students can apply.

After listening to the presentation of the material, the students actively asked questions about Universitas Brawijaya and student life. One of them is Muhammad Lutfi Firdaus from class 12 IPS 3.

“Regarding the government program, sir, namely MSIB, what are the driving factors for Universitas Brawijaya so that it can become the state university that accepts the most MSIBs?” he asked.

Public Relations of FISIP, Muhammad Irfan Anshori, S.I.Kom also stated that MSIB looks at student competence based on experience in organizations and the achievements they have achieved.

“In addition, our students also have high interest because 70% of companies that join the MSIB program provide salaries,” he said.

This visit ended with a tour of walking around the faculty environment to introduce the facilities owned by FISIP. It is hoped that this visit can increase the desire and interest of students at Daya Utama Bekasi High School to choose Universitas Brawijaya as a place to study. (Fazlar/FISIP PR/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)