Engineering Students Initiate Shared Space to Overcome Traffic Density

Population growth in Malang City is increasing every year, both natives and migrants.

Traffic congestion is inevitable along with the increasing use of motor vehicles.

One of the centers of this density is Jalan Bendungan Sigura-gura, Sumbersari District, Malang City.

There are two universities (Universitas Brawijaya and Malang National Institute of Technology) located in the area. There are also many trade and service centers as well as housing which added to the cause of the density in Sigura-gura street.

The people orientation who tend to use motor vehicles results in the low levels of pedestrians in this area.

Three students of Urban and Regional Planning (PWK), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya saw the need for traffic management in this educational area.

Aisya Rahmania Putri and her two colleagues, Muhammad Nouval Irfandhia Wahid and Fanny Safitri, with the guidance of Imma Widyawati Agustin S.T., M.T., Ph.D, carried the concept of shared space street.

The concept of sharing space is to remove physical boundaries and markers in the road space.

This shared space will eliminate conventional road features such as sidewalks, road markings, traffic signs, and traffic lights.

“This is aim to create uncertainty that will make drivers to reduce speed and are required to be more tolerant to other road users,” Aisya explained.

With a road design like this, he continued, it is hoped that it can increase the comfort and safety of pedestrians so that people want to switch from using motor vehicles to walking. (mic)