The Rector of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Prof. Widodo SSi., MSi., PhD.Med.Sc on Monday (14/7/2023) attended the Handover of the Positions of Director and Vice Director of UB PSDKU Kediri. The activity which took place at UB Kediri Campus, Pringgodani Street Mrican Kediri, was also attended by the Chairperson of UB Senate, Vice Rectors, Deans, Directors and leaders within UB and also all leaders of Kediri City Government (Pemkot).
As is known, the Director of PSDKU UB Kediri was previously held by Prof.Dr.Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS with term of office 2020-2023 and replaced by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sholeh Solahudin, MT as Director (Study Program Outside Main Campus) PSDKU UB Kediri period 2023-2025.
In his remarks, the Rector expressed his gratitude to Prof. Darsono as the Director of PSDKU Kediri for the 2020-2023 period who has worked hard and optimally during his tenure. PSDKU UB Kediri has experienced a lot of progress. The number of students, infrastructure and quality have increased a lot. Various programs and hard work that have been achieved will be increased, especially the opening of new study programs that are in line with community needs and future challenges.
Widodo advised the newly appointed Director of PSDKU UB Kediri to carry out his duties as well as possible for the future progress of PSDKU Kediri. The challenges and expectations of the community are very large regarding the existence of PSDKU UB Kediri.
“Let’s develop PSDKU UB Kediri together. The needs and requests related to new study programs at the postgraduate level are also a challenge that must be answered by the deans of the faculties at UB to open PSDKU Kediri,” said the Rector.
“Representing all UB leaders, I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Darsono who has carried out his duties very well so far. Lots of improvements and progress have been achieved by PSDKU Kediri. I congratulate Prof. Dr. Ir. Sholeh Solahudin, MT as the new official. Hopefully this responsibility can be carried out properly for the progress of PSDKU UB Kediri in the future,” he added.
As is well known, UB Kediri was established in 2011 and has become PSDKU UB Kediri since 2019. Currently PSDKU Kediri is holding five PSDKU Bachelor Study Programs, namely Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Agribusiness, Agroecotechnology, Aquaculture, and Fisheries Socio-Economy. Until now, the total of students reaches 1637 students.
On this occasion, the Pre-Launching of Brawijaya Agro Science 2023 was also held, which is a collaboration program between UB and the Center for Plantation Plant Seeding and Protection (BBPPTP) of the Ministry of Agriculture which began with tree planting by the Rector and symbolic giving of seeds to farmers in Kediri. [ron/pon/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]