The Indonesian Japanese Language Education Study Association (ASPBJI) in collaboration with the Japan Foundation and the Hikari Study Group held a “Japanese Speech and Presentation Learning Seminar and Workshop” at A Building, Faculty of Cultural Studies, (12/15/24).
The event began at 09.00 WIB with an opening and prayer, followed by remarks by the Chairperson of ASPBJI East Java, Dr. Urip Zaenal Fanani, M.Pd., Vice Dean III of FCS UB, Dr. Aji Setyanto, M.Litt., Director of The Japan Foundation Jakarta, Mr. Takahashi Yuichi, and officially opened by Prof. Djodjok Soepardjo, M.Litt.
The main presentation was delivered by the keynote speaker, Shinohara Aki, a senior Japanese language expert from the Japan Foundation Jakarta. In his presentation, he discussed effective speech and presentation techniques for students, from high school to college level.
The session continued with sharing experiences from Japanese language teaching practitioners, namely Roni (UNESA), Cuk Yuana (Untag), Agus (FCS UB), and Ms. Tantri (Unitomo). They conveyed creative and meaningful learning methods, providing new inspiration for participants to apply in their respective classes.
The workshop session was guided by Shinohara sensei and Abigail sensei. Participants were divided into six groups and asked to prepare a learning plan, including analysis of class conditions, themes, learning flow, preparation, implementation, and evaluation. After that, each group presented the results of their discussions and received feedback from Japan Foundation experts.
The event was closed with the presentation of souvenirs to the speakers and a group photo session. This activity received wide appreciation from participants who hoped that similar seminars could be held again in the future.
This seminar and workshop provided new insights and strengthened the network between Japanese language teachers in Indonesia, as well as being an important step in improving the quality of Japanese speech and presentation learning at various levels of education. (TRS/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)