IKA UB Task Force Releases ‘Isoman’ Application

The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has had a significant impact on society. Hospital facilities are full, the need for plasma blood donors, the increased need for oxygen, vitamins, and medicines are the main problems faced by the community.

There is a lot of harmful info related to the availability of necessities during this pandemic. IKA UB COVID Task Force provides self-isolation monitoring programs, logistics services during self-isolation in the form of drugs, vitamins and food, as well as application-based medical tele-consultation. In addition, IKA UB also collaborates with several parties to implement vaccine program in encouraging the acceleration of vaccination in Malang Area.

Isoman Application

In order to help Covid-19 patients, Universitas Brawijaya Alumni Association (IKA UB) released ISOMAN web-based application http://ika.ub.ac.id/application-isoman/. This application is intended for patients infected with COVID19 who are self-isolating, which functions to monitor the progress of the patient’s daily condition and tele-consultation services with doctors for patients in need.

The Isoman application is designed to be easy to use through all types of smartphone devices. Isoman patients can use this application by registering online at the link, entering personal data and entering the latest symptom data they feel, according to the format provided by the application.

ISOMAN, the monitoring application is equipped with a tele-consultation feature with doctors from the COVID-19 Task Force, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya. This feature is only available for patients who already require follow-up action during the self-isolation period. The initial version of ISOMAN application is specifically for alumni and the big family of Universitas Brawijaya. In the next stage this application will be developed to be able to serve the general public in Malang areas.

ISOMAN is part of IKA UB Peduli – HUMANITY SOLIDARITY in FACING COVID-19 program to collaborate helping the community. This activity was initiated due to the soaring number of positive people for COVID-19 that has occurred since the end of June 2021 until now. ” IKA UB Peduli Program – HUMANITY SOLIDARITY in FACING COVID-19 based on the self-isolation web application is here to help the community by deploying all resources we have, in the midst of the current pandemic,” said the General Chairperson of IKA UB, Ahmad Erani Yustika.

According to the Head of IKA UB COVID Task Force, Ahmad Sauqy, “This self-isolation application program is intended for Universitas Brawijaya alumni, the big family of Universitas Brawijaya and also the general public in need, because of the many needs related to self-isolation facilities and medical tele-consultation amidst many hoaxes spread. Alumni from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya will serve tele-consultation and monitor the self-isolated patients”.

IKA UB also invites the community together to unite resources to help other residents in need through fundraising for IKA UB PEDULI. Donations can be channeled through BRI Account 180701000277563 on behalf of IKA UB PEDULI. For confirmation of donation, you can send proof of transfer to Dita Nurul Aini 0812 3386 9486 or Henti Kresdiana 0817 728 008.

Let’s join hands, work together and collaborate to fight COVID-19 with the big family of Universitas Brawijaya Alumni Association. TOGETHER, INDONESIA is HEALED. (IKA/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)