UB Hospital Participated in the Vaccination Acceleration for Pregnant Women

Universitas Brawijaya Hospital held vaccinations for pregnant women in Malang City. This morning, (19/8/2021), as many as 60 pregnant women received a dose 1 of Covid-19 vaccination. In addition to Malang, this event was held simultaneously in several cities in Indonesia.

This activity is a collaboration between the Ministry of Health, BKKBN, Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association, Indonesian Midwives Association and Malang City Government through the Health Office.

According to the Director of Universitas Brawijaya Hospital, Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes, UB Hospital is appointed as the first vaccination site in East Java. “In East Java, those appointed are UB Hospital and Airlangga University Hospital”, she explained.

The vaccination received, Andarini added, is Sinovac. “As we know, the number of Covid-19 cases in pregnant women is increasing. So this vaccine is aimed at reducing Covid-19 patients in pregnant women,” she explained.

According to the head of POGI Malang Branch, Dr. dr. Sutrisno, Sp.OG(K), this vaccination is important for pregnant women to get. “Pregnant women are included in the vulnerable group who are at risk of being exposed ten times, and can lead to death,” he said. He also mentioned that there are at least 119,000 pregnant women in East Java who must be vaccinated.

After the launching, the vaccination program for pregnant women can be followed at the health center or health services in Malang City. Also Presented in this event were the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS and the Head of Malang City Health Office, dr. Husnul Muarif. Through this event, the Rector hopes that pregnant women will receive attention and priority through vaccine activities. (VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)