UB COVID-19 Disinfection Robot succeeded in bringing Apatte62 Brawijaya Team to win the Spirit of Shell Eco-Marathon (SEM) Asia 2020 competition.
The joint team of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering won The 1st place at the Asian level by defeating the Sapuangin ITS team, the Semeru UM team, as well as teams from Korea, the Philippines and Singapore.
The Spirit of Shell Eco-Marathon 2020 itself is a new category in the SEM international competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is divided into three regions; America, Europe and Asia.
“Because of this pandemic, SEM opens the Spirit of SEM category. The assessment of this category focuses on four criteria which include persistence, enthusiasm, empathy, and technological development innovation during the pandemic,” explained Biaggi Rahmat as The General Manager of the Apatte 62 Team.
This Virus Sterilization Robot is the result of collaboration between the UB-Tech Team and the UB COVID-19 Task Force which has been developed since April 2020. This robot can be controlled remotely so that it can avoid direct contact with the robot operator.
“Alhamdulillah, one of the dreams of the Apatte 62 team has come true, to win the Shell Eco Marathon competition. Hopefully in the future, it will become a good start and increase the team spirit to develop vehicle technology more and can bring our alma mater to be the champion in future competitions,” said Biaggi.
The Apatte 62 team itself consists of several students of Mechanical Engineering UB (TMUB) and Electrical Engineering (TEUB). From Mechanical Engineering besides Biaggi are Muhammad Alfian Ambong, Calvin Fajar, Aulia Rahma Dieny, Miftah Sholahuddin, Reyhan Nabil, Irfan Nadhif, Fahri Fauzan, Reza Baramardhika, Devin Anindya, Exsel Sukmajati, Rafif Ezrha Pragiwaka, and Adji Wicaksono.
Meanwhile the UB Tech team consists of Bayu Abi Pamungkas (TEUB), Nauval Aryawiratama (TEUB), Ario Prasojo (TEUB), Charis Maulana (TEUB), Bram Ainur Rohman (TEUB), Naufan Rikza Ahmada (TEUB), Shofwan Jaharulfalah (TMUB), and Shanda Ismaya (TMUB).
With this achievement, the Apatte 62 Team hopes that this innovation can be mass produced and beneficial to the community in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We hope that this achievement can increase the spirit to keep achieving and make the alma mater and Indonesia proud,” hoped Biaggi on behalf of the team.
On the award night hosted by Norman Koch, Global General Manager of Shell Eco-marathon on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 the winners of each region were as follows; The American Regional Winner is the Taq Balam Team from Guatemala, the European Regional Winner is the Unilag Team from Nigeria, and the Asian Regional Champion is the Apatte 62 Team from Indonesia.
Not stopping here, currently the Apatte 62 team is preparing for the 2020 Energy Saving Car Competition (KMHE) which was delayed due to the pandemic and the upcoming 2021 Shell Eco Marathon (SEM). (mic/Humas UB)