LSD Virus Research in Cattle, Collaboration between FKH and University of Adelaide

drh Widi Nugroho PhD (center) with A. Prof Farhid Hemmatzadeh DVM PhD (left sitting) and Dr. Aliakhbar Khabiri (right) in the Pathogen Containment 2 (PC2) laboratory at the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (FKH UB) represented by drh. Widi Nugroho PhD, strengthens collaboration with virology researchers from the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide, (SAVS UofA), South Australia. This collaboration aims to explore the characteristics of the Capripox lumpyskinpox virus genome which causes lumpy skin disease (LSD) or known as lato-lato disease in cattle.

“LSD disease is a strategic disease that greatly affects international livestock trade, therefore it is included in the list of notifiable diseases to WOAH (World Organization of Animal Health) so that countries are required to report to WOAH if they are infected with this outbreak,” said Widi who is currently participating in this 6-week program, from the end of August to October 2024.

This collaborative research is carried out through the Sabbatical leave (SL) program scheme. This program is accompanied by a team from Australia led by A.Prof Farhid Hemmatzadeh DVM. PhD. The team works in the Pathogen Containment 2 (PC2) laboratory at SAVS UofA. The research is aimed at evaluating the DNA genome of the LSD virus extracted from the serum of cattle infected with LSD in Indonesia.

During the SL, the team also coordinated, prepared proposals and communicated with ACIAR and BRIN, to continue the study on the development of the DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) diagnostic tool to distinguish between immunity to infection by the field LSD virus or by vaccination results. It is known that LSD control in Indonesia is carried out through a vaccination campaign using the live attenuated vaccine virus strain Neethling, which is a weakened live virus vaccine, imported from Egypt.

Prof. Fahid has signed the Implementation Agreement which includes a commitment to contribute to research during the SL, utilizing the resources available in the laboratory at SAVS UofA. The results of this research, along with clinical and serological data, have been written in a scientific manuscript and sent to the Q1 journal to obtain a review of publication eligibility.

Widi said that this outbreak has attacked cattle in Indonesia since early 2022 and has spread to Sumatra, Java, Bali and Kalimantan. Indonesia’s ability to control it is still limited, therefore characterization of the virus both epidemiologically, clinically, serologically and molecularly is very important, as a reference for developing strategies for controlling and eradicating this disease from Indonesia.

Previously, FKH UB has collaborated with SAVS UofA by inviting Dr. Farhid as a guest lecturer at FKH UB. In addition to the collaborative research plan above, the possibility of continuing cooperation to increase the capacity of FKH UB scientists has also been discussed, and Dr. Farhid welcomes researchers from FKH UB interested in participating in a research fellowship in the PC2 laboratory at SAVS UofA.

This activity is FKH UB’s contribution to the development of knowledge about the ecology and control of LSD in the Asia Pacific, and is part of UB’s commitment as an academic institution with an international reputation, to play an active role in the development of science and technology for the advancement of human civilization globally (WNO). [widi/sitirahma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]