Respect.Id Indonesia has once again strengthened its role as a leading platform in the fields of education, research, technology, and health by introducing new leadership for 2025. The platform, which was founded by 3 young Nursing Innovators from Universitas Brawijaya in 2021, continues to strive to encourage innovation and collaboration to support Indonesian students in facing the challenges of the digital era.
Respect.Id Indonesia aims to improve the capabilities of Indonesian students in the fields of technology and health through quality research and innovative tutoring. With the core values of collaboration, respect, and continuous innovation, Respect.Id provides adaptive programs that are relevant to global needs.
President of Respect.Id Indonesia, Mochamad Saiful Anwar, stated that this organization is dedicated to creating a real impact in the world of education. “We are committed to continuing to support Indonesian students in facing global challenges through education, research, and innovation. Together with the team, we are ready to develop relevant programs that have a real impact,” he said at the PMW Universitas Brawijaya Gala Dinner last November.
Respect.Id Indonesia began its journey in 2021 with a tutoring program for elementary to high school students. In 2022, it opened open moderator training and webinars with eight consecutive series, which ultimately managed to attract 3000++ participants in developing better soft skills. In 2023, Respect.Id expanded its scope by providing services for nursing students, including OSCE simulations and practical guidance. 2024 became an important milestone with the launch of a flexible hybrid learning program, allowing students to learn and collaborate in the realm of online and offline research.
Diva Ayu Setyaningsih, who serves as President 1, added that Respect.Id is not just an educational platform. “Respect.Id is not only about education, research, technology, and health but also about building connections that enrich the insights, experiences, and synergies of students throughout Indonesia, through the acquisition of intellectual property and various scientific publications,” she said.
Respect.Id Indonesia prioritizes cross-university collaboration in each of its programs. To date, this platform has collaborated with students from more than 10 leading universities in Indonesia as the main executives at Respect.Id Indonesia, including Universitas Brawijaya, Gadjah Mada University, Padjajaran University, Yogyakarta State University, Ganesha University of Education, Surabaya State Electronic Polytechnic, and Malang Ministry of Health Polytechnic.
This partnership aims to create synergy in developing student skills, both in technology and health. This collaboration also enriches the diversity of ideas and perspectives for each project initiated by Respect.Id.
The success of Respect.Id Indonesia cannot be separated from the guidance of experienced lecturers, such as Ns. Evi Harwiati Ningrum, S.Kep., Mhsm., and Ns. Nurona Azizah, S.Kep., M.Biomed. They ensure that each program is in accordance with the academic and professional needs of students.
“We believe that cross-university collaboration is the key to build sustainable innovation. With students from various backgrounds and expertise, we can create a broader impact on society,” explained Ns. Evi as a supervising lecturer for Respect. Id
Since its establishment, Respect.Id has recorded more than 100 internal and external projects in various fields, including the Literacy Service Program which is an integrated education with literacy classes for orphanage children in Malang, Blitar, and Yogyakarta.
In addition, there is also PostureCare which is an IoT solution for kyphosis therapy developed through PKM-KI Universitas Brawijaya which has won medals at PIMNAS 37 at Airlangga University
There is also Ambisin Aja Batch 1-8 which is a soft skill training and free learning for underserved communities that has been glanced at by Universitas Putera Malaysia, Universitas Malaya, and various other parties
In addition, Respect.Id actively participates in research and other community service projects with the acquisition of 28 IPRs, 1 Patent, and various other scientific publications.
Respect.Id has prepared a roadmap until 2030 with plans to expand the scope of the program, increase international collaboration, and launch an integrated digital platform. These steps are designed to ensure the sustainability of the program that has a positive impact on students and the community.
Respect.Id has received various strategic funding, such as the Student Entrepreneurship Program (PMW) of Universitas Brawijaya, Bussiners HIMKAJAYA, and cooperation with various partnerships such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch UB. The funding allows Respect.Id to develop innovative programs that are relevant to the needs of students and the community.
The Vice President, Kemala Andini Kusumaayu emphasized her commitment towards continuous innovation. “We will continue to encourage program innovation, from tutoring to soft skill development, which is relevant to the needs of today’s workforce,” she said.
For more information, visit Instagram @respect.id_indonesia or guidebook
(UB PR/ Trans. Iir)