The Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc., attended the opening of the 2024 World Anti-Corruption Day (HAKORDIA) Commemoration held at the KPK’s Red and White Building, South Jakarta (9/12/24). Carrying the theme “Strengthening the Commitment to Eradicate Corruption for an Advanced Indonesia”, this event was attended by various national and international stakeholders.
At the event, a number of strategic programs were launched, including: Aksi Stranas PK 2024; Foreign Language Corruption Prevention Guide (Pancek); and the Anti-Corruption Regency/City Pilot Program.
In addition to the program launch, awards were also given to figures who contributed to law enforcement, improving local government governance, and inspiring figures such as Inspirational Reporters, Anti-Corruption Counselors, and Integrity Building Experts (Paksi-API).
Challenges and Solutions in Eradicating Corruption
As part of the event, Prof. Widodo delivered the results of recommendations on indicators of success in eradicating corruption in Indonesia. He assessed that the KPK’s performance was still very effective, especially in terms of law enforcement and returning state assets. However, a number of challenges still need to overcome, namely:
- The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) trend in Indonesia tends to increase, but is still below the ASEAN average.
- The Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK) target that has not been achieved, indicates that society is still permissive towards corruption.
- The declining Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI), indicates that the risk of corruption remains high.
- Changes in corruption patterns towards digital (digital corruption).
To answer these challenges, Universitas Brawijaya provides strategic recommendations, including:
- Strengthening the independence of the KPK and cross-institutional collaboration in preventing and prosecuting corruption.
- Digitizing corruption eradication management to mitigate the risk of digital corruption.
- Institutionalizing cultural and ethical values in state governance.
Recommendations for Corruption Eradication Indicators
Prof. Widodo also proposed improvements to the corruption eradication indicators, including:
- Digital technology utilization indicators
- Indicators of KPK independence and collaboration between institutions
- Cultural approaches and ethics education
- Effectiveness of law enforcement for perpetrators of corruption
- Stronger leadership indicators, including ing ngarso sung tuladha, must be an important part of national leadership.
- Public participation index
- Periodic monitoring and evaluation of corruption eradication programs.
In closing, Prof. Widodo hopes that the KPK will remain strong in eradicating corruption. “Hopefully the KPK will continue to be the vanguard in realizing an Advanced Indonesia that is free from corruption,” he said.
HAKORDIA 2024 is an important momentum to strengthen collaboration between various parties in building a cleaner and more dignified Indonesia. (AZIS/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)