UB Rector Releases 702 FILKOM Students in Order to Create Digital Village

A total of 702 students of the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM UB) were officially released by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Sc., PhD. Med.Sc who will carry out community service activities through the Thematic Real Work Lecture program (KKN-T) in five sub-districts in Malang Regency, Monday (18/7/2022).

This KKN-T activity will later be passed by students for 30 days until August 14, 2022 in the sub-districts of Poncokusumo, Bantur, Gedangan, Sumbermanjing Wetan and Donomulyo where as many as 20 Field Supervisors (DPL) who supervise and oversee the activities of students.

A speech was delivered by UB Rector, where he hopes that students can learn directly and serve in the community, besides that they can also solve problems that exist in society.

“In the implementation of KKN, besides being useful as a place and learning process, students are also expected to feel the goodness of this program. Therefore, students participating in the KKN must have a good impact and impression on the community later, “said Prof. Widodo.

Prof. Widodo also added and reminded students to maintain good manners when carrying out KKN in the village. He advised students to maintain the good name of UB alma mater and maintain security in the village.

Furthermore, the Dean of FILKOM UB, Prof. Ir. Wayan Firdaus Mahmudy, S.Si., MT., Ph.D. in his speech said KKN-T is one of the subjects that must be taken by students of FILKOM UB. This Community Service Program is carried out as a form of learning for students so that they can live with the community, identify and deal with problems, especially in the fields of technology and IT.

In addition, according to Prof. Wayan, being released by UB Rector will provide motivation and enthusiasm for students in implementing KKN, providing a positive impact for the community in the village, with a focus on realizing digital villages and helping the development of SMEs owned by targeted villages.

At the end of the activity, the students participating in the KKN were dispatched using Army trucks, and there were also some students who used private vehicles. The symbolic departure was carried out by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. eng. Ir. Herman Tolle, ST., MT.[drn/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]