Rector Inaugurates Soft Launching of MTQMN XVII 2023

Rector of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo S.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D, Med.Sc officially opened the soft launching event of National Student Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQMN) XVII 2023. This year, UB was appointed by the national committee board as the host of the annual MTQ competition organizer between universities which will later be attended by the best caravans from all over Indonesia. MTQMN XVII entitled “Actualization of Qur’anic Values in Creating Indonesian Gold Talents” is planned to be held on 3-10 November 2023 with 15 competition branches, followed by 2,447 students from 281 universities throughout Indonesia. The participant registration process is currently running from August 17 to September 20, and will be verified by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI) September 21-25, until later on the determination of participants which will be announced next October 1. To assist publication services to the public, the Rector also inaugurated the mascot, social media and website as digital portals that provide information regarding the development and dissemination of this year’s MTQMN timeline.

In his remarks, Prof. Widodo expressed his appreciation for the hard work of UB campus committee in preparing for the prestigious MTQMN XVII event, starting from arranging main activities, site visits (venues), technical meetings and so on, to planning supporting events such as caravan carnivals, taaruf nights, art nights , tausyiah, halal festival bazaar and tabligh akbar. According to him, this is a big opportunity for UB campus to contribute to produce young generations of students who are attached to religious values, especially in creating Islamic education that is independent, accomplished, talented and inspiring with the Qur’anic.

The 15 MTQMN XVII branches that have been prepared this year consist of: Tilawatil Qur’an (TQ), Tartilil Qur’an (TL), Qira’at Sab’ah (QS), Hifzhil Qur’an 10 Juz (HQ10), Hifzhil Qur’an 20 Juz (HQ20), Hifzhil Qur’an 30 Juz (HQ30), Khaththil Qur’an (KQ) Decoration Class, Khaththil Qur’an (KQ) Contemporary Group, Fahmil Qur’an (FQ), Syahril Qur’ and Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW (MMN). [UB PR/ trans. Iir]

  From Berita UB