Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Rector Cup 2021 was held, and the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) was declared as the General Champion. In this UB New Student Creativity Program (PKM) competition, FPIK won four gold medals, three silver medals and one bronze. This victory was announced at the peak of the PKM UB Rector Cup, Sunday (07/02/2021), online.
The process of PKM which is specially attended by new UB students has started since December 2020, including PKM proposal selection at the faculty level, proposal submission, debriefing and equating reviewer perceptions, assessment of proposal desk evaluation, and online presentation to reviewers. The assessment criteria were seen from 40 percent of desk evaluation assessments and 60 percent of PKM proposal presentation assessments.
Chairman of the Committee, Darjito, S.Si., M.Si said, the winner of the Rector Cup will be participated in PKM Dikti which leads to PIMNAS and has automatically passed the selection at UB level. “PKM Rector Cup is divided into 17 classes, where each class is taken 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in various PKM schemes. So, there are 51 winners. These 51 proposals will then be included in the PKM Dikti selection without having to take part in university level selection, “he explained.
This was conveyed by Darjito as one of the efforts to succeed the 1,500 PKM UB Proposal Movement towards PIMNAS 2021. “Therefore, the team that passed will be given assistance or consignment to improve the proposal and adjust it to the PKM 2021 guidebook,” said the Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Meanwhile, the second winner of Rector Cup 2021 was won by the Faculty of Engineering, which won four gold and four bronze medals. Followed by the Faculty of Agriculture which won three gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals. Other faculties that are in the top 10 are the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Computer Science, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Cultural Studies, the Faculty of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Law.
Currently, UB is also in the stage of selecting proposals to be included in the PKM Dikti 2021 scheme. [Irene/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]