Rector Hopes UB’s Internal Data Will Be Updated

Vice Rector I  Academic Affair Prof. Kusmartono Accompany Rector UB Prof Bisri at the Meeting of Higher Education Database Reporting (PDPT)Prof M. Bisri, the rector, hopes that University of Brawijaya’s (UB) internal data can be organized and updated, he said at the Meeting of Higher Education Database Reporting (PDPT) on Saturday (1/4/2017).

Bisri explained that at this time there are many obsolete data from the faculties, for example, the number of lecturers. This will, of course, affect the study program’s accreditation. “BAN PT has already conducted a visitation, but will not continue to process of accreditation until the database is complete. One of the problems is that some study program only owns three Homebase for lecturers, even less,” Bisri said.

Bisri added that each study program must have at least six lecturer Homebase according to the human resources classification. But in reality, there are a lot of lecturer Homebase that is still below the standard, even only three Homebase “Of course this issue will affect the study program’s accreditation,” Bisri said.

To anticipate this, Bisri hopes that study program that has a lecturer Homebase above the standard amount can give it to another study program that doesn’t have enough Homebase.

This proposal is responded by Mulyono, SH., MM. the Head of Human Resources Competence Sub-Directorate.

He stated that UB’s suggestion about the internal Homebase shift to fulfill the minimum requirement (six) is possible.

Mulyono said he understood that accreditation is something that is eagerly expected by the higher education community. Because of this, he will be ready to help if UB ever needs it in the future, such as to process the Lecturer National Identification Number (NIDN).

In this case, NIDN is an important factor in lecturer’s registration.

Aside from accreditation, lecturer data also affect the internal quality control system (SMPI), clustering or ranking, research, functional position, and for the study. Registration data is particularly useful for lecturers who wish to continue their education to a higher level.

“Those without NIDN will not be able to achieve a doctorate degree. Even the recruitment of LPDP at this time uses data from PD DIKTI,” He said.

Functional position, especially as the head lector and professors also need lecturer registration. “Aside from that, I used Udayana as an example when it comes to ranking, last year their rank fell behind other private universities. The rector is angry after investigation turns out many of the human resources only holds a bachelor’s degree, even there functional position staff with an associate degree. It’s not that they are bad, but it’s the discipline in updating data. Updating data can increase ranks,” Mulyono said. [Oky Dian/UB PR]