Face to Face Learning Returns to 50%, 4 Tips for Parents and Teachers from UB Psychology Lecturer

The government has set Face-to-Face Learning back to 50% of one-class quota, especially for areas with level 2 PPKM status.

The change in PTM policy is predicted by the Psychology Lecturer of Universitas Brawijaya, Ari Pratiwi S.Psi., M.Psi will cause feelings of uncertainty to children.

“They are just starting to adapt from home to school, now they are at home again. Certainly, this makes the children will feel uncertain. We, who are adults sometimes when we feel uncertain, the feelings are not happy too,” he said.

This potential condition made Ari Pratiwi provide four tips that can be used by parents and children so that the 50% face to face learning can run smoothly and flexible.

Ari Pratiwi suggested that parents adopt a flexible attitude towards their children because policies such as face to face learning can change at any time.

“Parents teach a flexible attitude since if it’s rigid, it makes children stressed at home, their behavior is not controlled and if parents respond negatively, it will even create conflict,” she said.

According to Ari, this flexible attitude will make children ready in whatever condition the face to face learning policy will be carried out.

Second, understand the child’s mood. Parents must understand the feelings of their children. Because Ari said, there is potential for children to be excited but it turns out that it’s time for them to study at home. Or vice versa, they should study at school instead they are lazy to go to school.

“This requires parents to understand their feelings, for example saying, “Oh, I’m excited to go to school, but unfortunately we are now studying at home,” added the alumnus of the University of Indonesia.

Third, set the time and run consistently.

Ari suggested that parents need to make a rule that even if their children study at home, their behavior is the same as when they study at school, one of which is that they wake up early.

“You have to be consistent even though you have to get up early at home. Don’t let it be irregular, the rhythm is the same consistent, even though at home it’s still early so that the rhythm is maintained,” he said.

Parents, said Ari Pratiwi, also need to make notes when their children study at school. At the same time, if parents are workers, they also need to make notes on the schedule so that parents can anticipate early if their children study at home while parents have to work.

“If the child is scheduled to study at home, while the parents are working, it will be difficult, so it is necessary to have a record of the schedule so that it can be anticipated earlier,” she continued.

Fourth, schools must create a comfortable situation.

Ari Pratiwi suggested that schools create a comfortable situation when PTM policies change at any time.

“Because so far, at home, the teacher teaches more in one direction. Teachers have taught full time in schools and now they are no longer full, of course they have to equalize again. The teacher must give the same thing even though there are students studying at home. Of course the teacher must be able to manage this, “she said.

In addition, middle and high school students who are getting used to group work must also return to learning from home. Ari assessed that this would be a challenge for teachers to organize again.

“Because the teacher has started to be consistent, the rhythm is now changing again. Of course, the key is adaptation since difficulties are not only experienced by teachers but students and parents,” she concluded. (*/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).

  From Berita UB

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