PT Brantas Abipraya Opens Career Opportunity for FEB Students Through Campus Visit

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University received a visit from a large construction company, namely PT Brantas Abipraya, in the “Campus Visit” event held at FEB UB campus, (7/3/2024). This activity opens up opportunities for FEB students to take part in the company’s recruitment process.

The event began with a warm welcome from Mr. Ainur Rofiq, who expressed his thanks to PT Brantas Abipraya for choosing Brawijaya University as their Campus Visit destination. Apart from providing opportunities for students, this activity is also expected to be a bridge between alumni and companies, whether they partner or not with universities and faculties.

After the speech, the event continued with a ceremonial session and taking photos together between representatives of PT Brantas Abipraya and FEB UB. Then, Ari Hariadi Suryana as the company’s Talent & Organizational Development Specialist delivered material regarding several discussions, including an explanation of the company’s journey, which is mostly related to water infrastructure such as dams, but has also expanded to other sectors such as buildings and roads. Ari also explained the company’s organizational structure, business focus, business development, development programs, and recruitment stages for students who are interested in joining the company.

This Campus Visit not only provides insight into the industry to students, but also provides an opportunity for them to be directly involved in the recruitment process which will help prepare them for future careers [sha, 2024/oky/UB PR/ Trans. Iir].

  From Berita UB