UB Psychologist: Online Lectures Arise Four Problems for Students

August 23rd, 2021

Online lectures raise four categories of problems faced by students, namely academic, personal, family, and social, said UB Psychologist, Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi.

“Indeed, students have separate problems, ranging from anxiety to stress,” said Ary, in the Guidance and Counseling Training Webinar for Batch II Academic Advisory Lecturers, Wednesday (18/8/2021).

Academic factors, for example, students have difficulty or lack of clarity in understanding the material given by lecturers, learning media is only PPT or voice text internet connections are problematic, internet signal for certain areas is problematic so it is difficult to find task info and follow, and the number of assignments is not proportional to the lack of lecturer explanations.

Factors that affect personal problems for example, negative thinking patterns and over thinking, feeling anxious, stressed, depressed, lonely because of academic problems, COVID conditions, family and others.

Family factors are generally related to students’ family conditions, such as being involved in conflict problems with unwanted families, an unsupportive family environment, economic or financial problems because some parents don’t work or income has decreased due to COVID, as well as authoritarian parenting, hard, and traditional so that it is depressing.

While social factors, for example, cannot interact with other people so that they feel lonely, isolated and depressed, experience feelings of boredom at home, and lack of communication with others.

Ari explained, to help students with the problem they faced, there are some tips that can be done by academic advisory lecturers.

“Essentially they just want to be heard sometimes with us being listeners of the students who are doing counseling that can find their own problems,” said Ari.

She added, for junior students, academic supervisor must be able to keep secrets, take advantage of friendship networks, and strengthen youth relationships by exploring the world of teenagers. Such as teen trend updates related to slang and social media.

Meanwhile, for final year students or seniors, the duties of academic supervisor include digging up information, such as problems encountered, history, psychosocial (family background and significant events).

“Academic supervisor are expected to have knowledge in various fields, especially marriage and caregiving issues,” he said.

Counseling Training for Academic Supervisors held by the Center for Academic and Professional Education Development (P3AP) at the Development Institute of Education and Quality Assurance (LP3M) Universitas Brawijaya.

The event was held for two days and was attended by around 40 lecturers in Universitas Brawijaya (UB).

The first day was filled with material while on the second day filled with counseling role play activities which were divided into several groups. (OKY/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).

Contact Person:
Kotok Gurito, S.E.
Kepala Humas UB

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