The Information Technology Education Study Program (PTI Study Program) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) held a Basic Skills Training for Utilizing Java Programming Language for PTI study program students. This activity was held for a week during the lecture holidays on (13/1 – 17/1/2025). Ir. Admaja Dwi Herlambang, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the Head of PTI Study Program and also the chief executive said that the purpose of this activity was the implementation of co-curricular activities to improve the basic skills of PTI study program students in using the Java programming language. In addition, it also aims to control the readiness and motivation of PTI study program students to take courses in the field of information technology in the even semester. The Java programming language was chosen since it is one of the most popular and versatile languages, providing a solid foundation for understanding basic programming concepts.
“The results of the evaluation of learning related to computer programming show that some students still face challenges in applying basic concepts such as variables, control structures, and algorithmic logic effectively. This can hinder their ability to understand more complex advanced material in the following semester. Therefore, a co-curricular program is needed that is specifically designed to strengthen their basic skills so that they are ready and remain motivated to undergo lectures in the following semester,” explained Ir. Admaja.

Two FILKOM lecturers who were given the trust as trainers in this activity were Ir. Tri Afirianto, S.T., M.T. and Ir. Satrio Agung Wicaksono, S.Kom., M.Kom.. Both of them have conducted a lot of research and various technology development projects using the Java programming language. So, it is expected that the knowledge and experience can be shared and broaden the understanding of the participants about the use of Java programming language. In this training, participants have the opportunity to learn about the Basic Concepts of Programming, Control Structures, Methods and Overloading; Algorithm Logic and Simple Case Studies. In addition, participants are also given the opportunity to practice the utilization of Java programming language in Complex Algorithm Exercises on the last two days. [dna/rr/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]