Masters of Biology Study Program Conducts Curriculum Benchmarking with NCU Taiwan

Biology Masters Study Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) conducted curriculum benchmarking with National Central University (NCU) Taiwan for two days, (20/8-21/8/2024), at NCU, Taiwan.

One of the delegates, Tri Ardyati, Ph.D., said that the curriculum benchmarking was to strengthen academic networks and prepare for the Double and Joint Degree Program between the Biology Masters Study Program and the Department of Life Sciences, NCU Taiwan

“In addition, the collaboration between UB and NCU will have an impact on improving academic quality and scientific publications,” said Tri Ardyati.

The activity, which is part of a series of Lecturer Works, was attended by UB delegation consisting of Tri Ardyati, Ph.D., Prof. Amin Setyo Leksono, Ir. Retno Mastuti, Ph.D. and Dian Siswanto, Ph.D. were welcomed by Dr. Hsieh-Lung Hsu, as Vice President for International Affairs of NCU.

In his remarks, Dr. Hsu emphasized the importance of maintaining the cooperation between UB and NCU that has been well established since 2009, he also stated that every year he visits UB in order to recruit the best prospective students and this year he plans to visit UB in November 2024.


The curriculum discussion between the Department of Life Sciences NCU and the Master of Biology Study Program, Department of Biology, FMIPA UB involved the Head of the Department of Life Sciences NCU, Dr. Hsieh-Lung Hsu, together with Dr. Chia-Yu Huang, Dr. Robert Liu, Dr. Shu-Dan Yeh, and Dr. Yung-Hsi Kao. The main focus of the discussion was the significant differences in credit load and thesis policies between the two universities. Prof. Amin Setyo Leksono revealed that students of the Master of Biology Study Program UB must complete 54 credits to graduate. Meanwhile, Dr. Shu-Dan Yeh noted that NCU only requires 24 credits. In addition, at NCU, a thesis is not worth credits but must be passed, while at UB, a thesis is worth 22 credits. Dr. Tri Ardyati added that there is a need for equivalence of courses between UB and NCU.

The meeting was also attended by two NCU partners from the National Health Research Institutes.

In order to increase international recognition, UB encourages all faculties and academics to be able to play a role in the Lecturer Works Program (DOKAR).

In this DOKAR program, the Masters of Biology Program, Department of Biology, FMIPA UB also had the opportunity to visit Academia Sinica, which is the best research center in Taipei and explore opportunities for research collaboration and discuss opportunities for student exchange, student internships and researcher exchanges.

The event ended with a dinner with Prof. Chien-Chia Wang, Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Technology, and Dr. Shu-Dan Yeh.

The DOKAR program also received support from alumni of UB Biology Undergraduate Study Program, Anggun S. Firdaus, who is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at NCU [2024 DOKAR team/UB PR/ Trans. Iir].