The Undergraduate Study Program, Department of Electrical Engineering (TE), Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FTUB) has been accredited excellence (Akreditasi Ungggul) from October 6, 2020 and is valid until November 1, 2021.
Since the enactment of the Higher Education National Accreditation Board (BAN-PT) Regulation Number 1 of 2020, the accreditation status is no longer Model A B C, but has changed to Unggul (Excellent), Sangat Baik (Very Good), Baik (Good), or Tidak Terakreditasi (Uncredited).
The mechanism for obtaining this accreditation status is quite different. There are three ways that a study program can take. First, re-accredit new forms with 9 criteria. Second, submitting additional forms using the Convertible Supplement Instrument (ISK). Third, using international accreditation recognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
In this case, the TEUB Undergraduate Study Program takes the third way, namely by converting the IABEE international accreditation that was obtained early this year.
“In UB, this study program will be the first to get the Unggul Accreditation status,” said the Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, ST., MT., Ph.D., IPU.
This achievement, he continued, certainly cannot be denied that it can be achieved thanks to good cooperation and support from all levels of leadership, active and retired lecturers, administrative staff, students, alumni, and of course the taskforce team.
“Prayers, support, and good cooperation from all parties are expected to always bring bring goodness and benefit for the institution,” said the Professor of Power Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
Responding to this achievement, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, FTUB, Ir. Ishardita Pambudi Tama, ST., MT., Ph.D, IPU said that this achievement can increase public trust, especially in TEUB and FTUB in general.
In addition, this accreditation ranking also proves that the TEUB undergraduate study program has been recognized internationally. Alumni can register at any university abroad without having to follow probation/matriculation.
Even though he has received the Unggul Accreditation, this does not mean that we are complacent. In the future, he said, the Faculty of Engineering would continue to improve the quality of study programs, especially at the international level.
“The next step is improving the curriculum and quality as well as assistance for other departments to get international accreditation,” Ir. Ishardita concluded. (mic)