UB Student Community Service Targets  1.000 Villages in East Java

One form of community service activities is carried out by students by developing the potential of citizens

The student service program (Pengmas) Building Villages (MMD) which is a mandatory subject for students of class 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 targets 1000 villages in the East Java region, with a total of 14,000 students participating.

Vice Head of MMD Program, Yusron Sugiarto, S.T.P., MP, M.Sc., Ph.D said, MMD was made so that there would be no clashes between faculties in carrying out community service activities.

“In the past, there were many types of community service programs, such as the National KKN and Thematic KKN. While in the field, it turned out that there were many conflicting locations for KKN activities. In the end, students fought over the program they carried out together. Because of the conflict, in the end, what was planned could not work,” he said.

From the conditions in the field, said Yusron, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UB then took the initiative to integrate community service activities focusing on one program called MMD.

“MMD is a mandatory activity for students from batches of 2020, 2021 and 2022. This activity gets a weight of 4 credits and when students have attended KKN, they don’t need to take part in MMD activities. Can choose one KKN or MMD. In 2023 all student community service activities are focused on MMD,” said the man who also serves as Chair of the LPPM Community Service Center.

At present, the activities managed under the LPPM have been coordinated with the Governor of East Java, all Regents in East Java, the Village Community Empowerment Service, the Ministry of Health, and Bakesbangpol.

Head of the 1000 Village MMD Program, Dr. Sujarwo, S.P., M.P said that he had obtained the locations of 1,000 villages in East Java. With a total of 14,000 participants who were grouped into 14 students per village, and consisted of students from across majors.

The MMD preparation process has been carried out since January 2023 by involving 500 Field Supervisors and 150 Theme Drafting Lecturers to introduce potential loci.

Head of the 1000 Village MMD Program Dr. Sujarwo, S.P., M.P

“It is hoped that in March, students will start compiling work programs related to any potential that can be developed at each locus, with the assistance of supervisors and theme authors,” said Sujarwo.

Before departing, there will be operational briefing and thematic debriefing for students.

MMD departure is targeted for June 2023, where students will be at the locus for six weeks.

UB also ensures the security of the implementation of this activity by arranging transportation mechanisms for the gradual departure of students, and coordinating with Korem and Polsek for local security.

From the health side, UB also collaborates with BPJS for health protection for three months.

Vice Head of MMD Program, Yusron Sugiarto, S.T.P., M.P., M.Sc., Ph.D

Sujarwo hopes that this activity involving students, lecturers, the community, and the local government can become a potential collaboration to increase the existence of higher education institutions that benefit the community directly.

“For the community, of course there will be a contribution of thoughts and dissemination of science and technology from students for village development. For students, team work building will be formed, improving communication skills, and other competencies. For lecturers, the third IKU will be achieved, namely lecturers who are active outside the campus,” said the lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture.

This activity is also useful for international recognition, where MMD is an implementation of SDG’s themes, it is hoped that student reports can be used as input for the Times Higher Education-Impact Ranking. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]