Universitas Brawijaya (UB) provides Anti-Corruption Education Program for New Students (Maba- Mahasiswa Baru). The activity which was held to form an anti-corruption character was carried out online, Saturday (7/11/2020).
Lecturer of Faculty of Lawa, Setiawan N.Sakti, SH. M.H., who was the presenter, said that based on the Law (UU) Article 6 Letter A, it was stated that the KPK had the duty to take precautions so that corruption will not occur. Therefore, the KPK is in charge of organizing an anti-corruption education program at every level of education.
On that occasion, the first speaker Dr. Nurul Gufron as the Head of KPK and Lecturer in Criminal Law at University of Jember explained the definition of corruption.
He said corruption is distorting or misusing state money or state authority and state facilities which should be shared but used for personal purposes.
The forms of corruption include bribery, embezzlement in office, extortion, fraudulent acts, conflicts of interest in procurement, gratuities.
In the student version of corruption, it begins with not honesty, this is shown by corrupt behavior of students such as cheating, being late, plagiarism, false proposals, gratuities to lecturers, budget mark-ups, and misuse of scholarship funds.
“We hope that in the hands of our new student, in the next five to ten years, we hope that Indonesia will be prosperous because it is free of corruption. Let’s commit that Higher Education is part of the creation of the nation’s generation, the agent of preparing the nation’s generation, “said Nurul Gufron.
He added that if the corrupted money could be used as costs for development, Indonesia could build 195 elementary schools, build PLN networks in 5040 remote villages, pay 3.36 million people to become graduates, and many more.
The second material is presented by the Lecturer of the Faculty of Law and the Head of the LP3M Personality Development Course Center UB, Dr. Abdul Madjid, S.H., M.Hum., With the theme “Anti-Corruption Education, As A Form of Student Character Education”.
In his presentation he explained the essence of corruption related to bad character, based on bad character, and destroying character so that it is not good. Therefore, character education becomes a process of determining values in the student personality as a strong and consistent person.
“Character is something that is given and exists in humans that cannot be formed, but in character theory there are 2 approaches, as something given that cannot be changed but also a character that is understood as potential. That can be developed and created as a strong person, ”said Abdul Madjid.
According to him, although it is still impossible to make Anti-Corruption Education into a separate subject currently, by implementing anti-corruption education as an insertion education, it is hoped that this will give enlightenment about corruptive behavior to UB students.
He also added that certain faculties have added anti-corruption education as a scientific study, such as the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business and Administration and the Faculty of Social and Political Science.
While currently, MPK UB is focusing on the management of character education for UB students through KEREN (Creative, Religious, Entrepreneur, and Nationalist).
This character development is carried out with studies or programs that are more concrete so that students are not weepy and do not depend on others or for the mercy from others. After that, the activity was closed with a question and answer session between the presenters and UB new students. (IKA / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir).