Master’s Program of Cattle Science Faculty of Animal Husbandry Brawijaya University returned to grab accreditation A admitted by National Accreditation Board of Universities (Ban PT). The grading result was delivered by Quality Assurance Centre Brawijaya University on Thursday (08/Feb/2018). However, the accreditation decree and certificate are still in progress.
Prof. Suyadi as the Faculty’s Dean conveyed his gratitude to all entities who have worked hard so as fruitful. Despite returning to grab accreditation A, he advised all lecturers and staffs to improve learning and services quality, either to students, alumni and stakeholders.
BAN PT’s accreditation period for the Master’s program has ended on last January. In ordert o extend the period time, Faculty of Animal Husbandry arranged documents which is going to be assessed by assessors either internal or external.
Afterwards, site visit was held to synchronize data in the documents and facts on the ground. The internal visitation is conducted on 27 July 2017 by inviting Prof. Bambang Guritno as the assessor. In this step, Prof. Bambang gave many suggestions on document data completeness in 3A form (about study program) and 3B (about faculties).
Meanwhile external visitation was conducted by Prof. Widya Asmara (Gadjah Mada University) and Prof. Vitus Dwi Yulianto (Diponegoro University) as assessors, on 23 february 2018. This step is a deciding point, thus inviting lecturers, alumni, stakeholders and postgraduate students for validation and data verification. [dta/Humas UB/trans. Denok]