As mandated by senate of University of Brawijaya (UB) in order to make the college as World Class Entrepreneurial University, should pass through several stages. Including Teaching University, Research University, and the last is Entrepreneurial University. Recently UB has gone beyond teaching university, since a very good teaching learning process. One of its success indicators is UB always excel in National Student Scientific Week (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional/Pimnas), even had been four times grabbed the general champions. Therefore, recently UB courageously stepping towards Research University and so could reach Entrepreneurial University.
This regard delivered by UB’s Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS in a meeting held by UB’s Unit for Improvement of International Publication and Lecturer’s Scientific Works (Peningkatan Publikasi Internasional dan Karya Ilmiah Dosen/PPIKID), Wednesday (15/Jun/2016). The event that concentrated in the 8th court room of UB’s Rectorate building attended by Vice Rector I on Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Kusmartono and the entirely Deans of faculties at UB. Delivered by the Rector, steps towards Research University already could seen from the increasing seriousness of research activities to do. In order to improve research improvement at UB, the Rector planned to create a journal resilience program.
“What is meant by journal resilience is UB managed international standardized journal. This regard is conducted to save overseas journal submission which its amount is not small annually,” said the Rector.
Bisri explained, in the future the journal will be connected with Public Universities in East Java, of which its researchers could submit their journals, then be accommodated and managed by UB until it can be an international indexed journal. In order to initiate the program, will be held a meeting with public universities’ Rectors in East Java in order to create a network of journal.
Recently numbers of UB’s journal ranked the fifth throughout Indonesia, only a little different with Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. In order to improve its rating, the Rector created a breakthrough by obligating master and doctoral program students to publish journals.
“Worls reputation could be seen from rankings, I hope postgraduate student’s quality could be improved by arranging journals. However, definitely it is not to incriminate them. Therefore a guidance and training is necessary to give,” said the Rector.
Similar to the Rector, Head of PPIKID Prof. Dr. Ir. Wani Hadi Utomo expected all the entities’ commitment in this journal resilience program. “The journal resilience program will be socialized into master and doctoral program students of which they are compulsory to create articles as examination prerequisites. If excellent then will be submitted to Scopus, if it is not appropriate will be administrated in international journal which managed by UB,” Wani ended. [Irene/Humas UB/trans. Denok]