Doctoral Service Program Increases Organic Fertilizer Productivity in Kucur Village

Kucur Village, located on the slopes of Mount Kawi, Dau District, Malang Regency, is known for its fertile soil conditions. Most residents rely on the agricultural sector with main commodities such as citrus fruits, corn, red chilies, peanuts, sugar cane, small chilies, and cassava. However, in areas with dry soil conditions, residents choose to plant citrus, secondary crops, and vegetables that do not require much water, as well as raise cattle and goats to increase their income.

To care for citrus plants, farmers use manure from animal waste. However, the need for this manure often cannot be met from local sources. Many farmers have to buy manure from outside the area, including from South Malang, at relatively high prices and which quality is not always guaranteed. The manure available in the market is often mixed with sand, reducing its quality, therefore farmers hope for assistance in making their own manure using local resources.

Answering this need, Dr. Ir. Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro, MS from the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya, together with Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Chuzaemi, MS (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Dr. Ir. Yulia Nuraini, MS (Faculty of Agriculture), and Kristanto Adi Nugroho, ST., MT. (Vocational), through the Doctoral Service program, provided assistance in technological innovation to increase organic fertilizer production for Kucur Village farmer group. This activity involved making organic fertilizer in accordance with SNI 7763-2018, providing production tools, and assistance in obtaining business permits.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Chuzaemi, MS., provided direct direction to the farmer group to ensure that this activity achieved the expected goals. The main goal is to improve agricultural businesses and the welfare of Kucur Village community. Dr. Ir. Setyono Yudo Tyasmoro, MS, as the head of the community service team, brought innovation with a method of making organic fertilizer that utilizes a microbial consortium to accelerate the decomposition process, a method that has received a simple patent.

Together with a team of students who are currently doing internships and real work lecture (KKN) in Kucur Village, they conducted direct practice in making organic fertilizer from animal waste with local farmer groups. This activity is practical and applicable, based on the problems and obstacles faced by farmers today. In addition to knowledge materials, farmers receive direct training through practical application.

Through this DM program, UB provides equipment assistance in the form of fermentors, electric sprayers, grinding machines, fertilizer sieving machines, and legal aspects to help farmer groups obtain a Business Identification Number (NIB) so that they can sell organic fertilizer to the market legally. With this program, it is hoped that the Srinthil Subur Mandiri farmer group in Kucur Village can develop more productively and independently, and be able to improve welfare by increasing the quality and quantity of organic fertilizer production.

Through ongoing cooperation and mentoring in the doctoral service program, Universitas Brawijaya is expected to bring a positive impact to Kucur Village community, strengthen the local agricultural sector, and encourage increased farmer welfare. (zma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)