The Role of Law in Dealing with Climate Change in the 3in1 Lecture of FH UB PSDKU Jakarta

On Sunday, September 22, 2024, the Master of Law Study Program of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya (PSDKU) in Jakarta held an online 3in1 lecture. This activity presented expert speakers in the field of law and climate change, namely Asrul Ibrahim Nur, who delivered material entitled “Law and Climate Change: Perspectives of the European Union and Indonesia”.

In his presentation, Asrul Ibrahim conveyed the importance of the role of law in overcoming the challenges of climate change.

“The law can be a facilitator that enables the transition to better climate change adaptation, but it can also be a barrier if its regulations are not in line with current global needs,” he said.

Asrul also provided an in-depth explanation of the role of law in climate change adaptation and mitigation, both at the national and international levels.

“Regulation in Indonesia must be more adaptive to climate change, by learning from the European Union’s policies which is more proactive in responding to the global environmental crisis. It is important for us to see climate as a cross-sectoral issue, not just the responsibility of one sector or ministry,” continued Asrul.

Furthermore, Asrul also discussed the importance of the government’s role in encouraging a legal framework that is responsive to environmental challenges.

“Indonesia has great potential to lead Asia in climate policy, but this requires progressive regulation and strong political commitment,” he said.

The material presented by Asrul Ibrahim Nur provided comprehensive insight to participants on how law can play a vital role in facilitating the shift towards a low-carbon economy and addressing the impacts of climate change in Indonesia, while learning from the European Union’s approach.

By presenting speakers such as Asrul Ibrahim, this program is expected to broaden participants’ insights regarding the role of law in mitigating climate change, as well as how Indonesia and the European Union can work together to face this challenge in the future. (rma/FH PR/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)