Prof. Sambah Presents Innovation in  Fish Habitat Management

Photo of Prof. Abu Bakar Sambah

Prof. Dr. Eng. Abu Bakar Sambah, S.Pi., M.T. was inaugurated as the 25th active Professor at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences and the 216th active Professor at Universitas Brawijaya also became the 392nd Professor of all Professors produced by Universias Brawijaya.

Prof. Abu Bakar Sambah was officially inaugurated as a Professor in the field of coastal and marine resource mapping science at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. His inaugural speech presented an in-depth presentation of an important innovation called Fishhab-Spatial Dynamic.

Fishhab-Spatial Dynamic is designed to answer major challenges in marine resource management. This model offers a new approach in understanding and managing fish habitat by integrating spatial-temporal technology and multicriteria methods.

In his oration, Prof. Sambah explained that the distribution of fish in waters is greatly influenced by oceanographic factors, especially sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a abundance. Oceanographic phenomena indirectly affect the dynamics of fish resource migration in the water. It will also make the characteristics of fisheries in a body of water vary in space and time.

By using geospatial technology and satellite data to analyze fish distribution patterns more accurately. “This approach allows us to identify strategic areas that are suitable for fish habitat, so that coastal area management becomes more effective and efficient,” he said.

With the addition of multicriteria analysis, this model also considers socio-economic factors, such as the needs of local fishermen, management policies, and pressures on the ecosystem. This combination makes Fishhab-Spatial Dynamic not only relevant in academic research, but in the implementation of sustainable fisheries policies. [UB PR/Trans. Iir]