Prof. Dr. Ir. Ussy Andawayanti, M.S., IPM. : “ Control Inundation with USS-Ie “.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ussy Andawayanti, M.S., IPM.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ussy Andawayanti, M.S., IPM. as the 21st active Professor at the Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the 184th active Professor at Brawijaya University and the 343rd Professor of all Professors produced by Brawijaya University. She was inaugurated, Saturday (14/10/2023) at the Samantha Krida Building.

She created a model for controlling inundation with Urban Smart Solution Integrated – ecodrain (USS-Ie). This model is intended to intelligently control inundation due to the dynamics of land use changes in urban areas to Zero RunOff. This response model is carried out in an integrated and environmentally friendly method. The difference with existing inundation mitigation models is that only individual treatment is used, namely conventional drainage.

The advantage of USS-Ie model is that it prioritizes inundation control that integrates conventional drainage, land use change control and eco-drainage. Thus, the USS-Ie model is more effective in immediately achieving Zero Runoff. The weakness of this model is when implementing USS-Ie. Implementation of this model can be fully successful if it involves the government, community and related parties. Therefore, in planning, implementation and maintenance the community is also involved so that the community feels like they own USS-Ie, so that Zero Runoff can be realized.

The weakness of this model is when implementing USS-Ie. To be successful in implementing this model, it must fully involve the government, community and related parties. To reduce the weaknesses of this model, in the planning, implementation and maintenance of the USS-Ie, the community is involved so that the community feels like they own the USS-Ie, and can realize Zero Runoff.

In order for USS-Ie to be implemented, it is recommended that the local regional government intervene or issue a government regulation that requires USS-Ie to be implemented so that urban areas become Zero Runoff. In order for eco-drainage to be more economical and effective, a layout study needs to be carried out. It is hoped that USS-Ie can be implemented in a rapidly developing urban area, especially Malang City, so that it can be free from inundation/flooding or Zero Runoff.[sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]