Prof. Dr. Eng. Eko Siswanto, ST., MT. is a professor in the field of Energy Conversion and Conservation at the Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University (FT-UB). He was confirmed on Sunday (15/10/2023).
In his presentation entitled “MUB-2 Thermodynamic Cycle to Reduce Combustible Species Emissions and Increase Combustion Efficiency”, Prof. Eko explained that world energy sources are dominated by fossil fuels, especially petroleum and natural gas. This is the main energy source in the modern world for transportation, power generation, industry and public needs.
However, this energy source has two big problems, namely, the decreasing availability of reserves and environmental problems. One of the problems for the environment is the emission of combustible species, namely hydrocarbon HC, carbon monoxide CO and hydrogen H2.
According to the study results, the transportation sector is the largest national energy user, up to 42%. In this sector, the type of energy used is dominated by fossil fuel-based fuel oil (BBM), which is almost 90.9%. The huge use of fuel in the transportation sector has made it one of the main contributors to the production of combustible species emissions.
One of the strategic solutions offered by Prof. Dr. Eng. Eko Siswanto, ST., MT. is a thermodynamic cycle for a combustion engine that not only reduces combustible species emissions, but also converts combustible species energy.
This innovation is in the form of MUB-2 thermodynamic cycle to reduce combustible species emissions and increase combustion efficiency. Almost all petrol motor thermodynamic cycles use Otto cycle, which has weaknesses, including the combustion process only once, high combustible species emissions, low combustion efficiency, and sensitivity to the homogeneity of the air-fuel mixture.
The MUB-2 thermodynamic cycle aims to increase the duration of the combustion reaction after the first expansion process, so that two combustion processes occur, then the combustible species that have not been burned in the first combustion can be re-combusted and their energy is converted into second input heat into the cycle, thereby it increasing combustion efficiency. [Oky/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]