Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has once again made history through the inauguration of one of its best person, Prof. Andi Kurniawan, S.Pi., M.Eng., D.Sc., as a Professor from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK). The event took place solemnly in the Open Trial of the Academic Senate of Universitas Brawijaya at the Samantha Krida Building, which was attended by university leaders, academics, and invitees from various related institutions.
In his inaugural speech entitled “The BRAWIJAYA Concept (Biofilm as Regulator of Adsorption-Desorption for Water Pollution, Justifiable Aquatic Yield, and Sustainability) for Eco-Aquatic Technology Innovation”, Andi explained innovative ideas to answer the challenges of the sustainability of the aquatic environment.
Regarding the BRAWIJAYA Concept: Biofilm-Based Eco-Aquatic Solution, Andi explained that aquatic ecosystems face great pressure due to pollution and over-exploitation. The BRAWIJAYA concept, which was the main topic of his speech, emphasized the role of biofilm as a natural regulator in the process of adsorption and desorption of pollutants in waters. Biofilm, a collection of microorganisms that adhere to surfaces, has great potential in improving water quality and supporting sustainable aquaculture productivity.
“This concept offers a holistic approach that not only focuses on pollution mitigation, but also ensures the sustainability of fisheries products through environmentally friendly technology,” said the FPIK Professor in his scientific speech.
As an outstanding academic and researcher, Andi has made great contributions to the development of sustainable aquaculture technology. With a strong educational background from a doctoral program in Japan, he brings a global perspective in combining cutting-edge technology with local wisdom.
The Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Widodo, S.Sc., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc., in his speech, expressed his high appreciation for Andi’s contribution.
“This inauguration is not only a source of pride for UB, but also opens up great opportunities for the advancement of science in the field of aquaculture and management of aquatic environments,” said the Rector.
Through the BRAWIJAYA Concept, Andi invites all parties to jointly support the development of fair and sustainable eco-aquatic technology. He also hopes that this innovation can be widely applied in Indonesia, especially to support the national fisheries sector which is one of the backbones of the economy.
This inauguration was ended by Andi with the message “finish what you have started and be useful to others” accompanied by enthusiastic applause from all attendees, marking the beginning of his journey as a Professor at UB who is ready to make real contributions to the academic world and society. [AK/PON/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]