As part of the internationalization efforts of Universitas Brawijaya (UB), the Marine Science Undergraduate Study Program at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FPIK UB) continues to strengthen collaboration with international partners. One of the main partners in this effort is the Marine Science Program at the Faculty of Science and Marine Environment (FSME), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
Through the 2024 Universitas Brawijaya Working Lecturer scheme, a team from UB Marine Science Study Program visited FSME UMT on (5/8-10/8/2024) to discuss the design of a collaborative curriculum development program. This activity was carried out in a series of events entitled “International Academic Collaboration and Curriculum Development.”
The meeting for the initiation of the curriculum development program took place at FSME UMT and was attended by a delegation from UB Marine Science Study Program consisting of five lecturers Defri Yona, Ph.D., Ade Yamindago, Ph.D., M.A.Zainul Fuad, M.Sc., Dhira Khurniawan Saputra, M.Sc., and Fahreza Okta Setyawan, M.T. The FSME UMT team was led directly by As.Prof. Chm. Dr. Ong Meng Chuan, the program leader and lead researcher of the Ocean Pollution and Ecotoxicology Research Group UMT (OPEC).
In the discussion, both parties agreed to develop several strategic collaborations in improving the curriculum, including joint teaching (visiting lecturer) in several Marine Science Study Program courses, joint supervision for students, and collaboration in research and publication. “FSME UMT welcomes the initiation of cooperation with UB Marine Science Study Program. One of the activities that can be implemented is student exchange through the Asian International Mobility for Students (AIMS) scheme. The implementation of this program can begin in 2026,” said Dr. Ong.
Defri Yona, Ph.D., as secretary of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources (PSPK) and head of the Lecturer Works Team, hopes that this program can be realized soon and provide international experience for UB Marine Science students.
“As an initial step, starting in the odd semester of 2024, several courses in Marine Science Study Program will present lecturers from UMT as guest lecturers. In addition, several lecturers from UB Marine Science Study Program will also have the opportunity to fill lecture sessions for FSME UMT students,” he explained.
The Lecturer Works activity was continued with a visit to UMT (Institute of Oceanography and Environment, INOS) oceanography research facility, several UMT laboratories, and UMT’s research vessel, RV Discovery. The follow-up of this program is expected to enrich the academic experience for students and lecturers, especially the Marine Science Study Program FPIK UB. [dks/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]