Legal Studies Study Program Composes  Joint Curriculum with Malaysia University

The IUP FH UB team visited the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

UB’s undergraduate law study program visited Malaysia to develop a joint curriculum with Universities in Malaysia. This joint curriculum was prepared specifically to prepare for the implementation of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) which will open in 2023. IUP is one of FH programs to support the internationalization of Brawijaya University with the support of partners from universities with a global reputation.

The three universities in Malaysia that were collaborated with FH UB in compiling a joint curriculum for the Undergraduate Law Study Program are Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).

Starting November 13 2023, FH UB International Ranking Team, represented by Prof. Dr. Setyo Widagdo, SH. MH., Dr. Reka Dewantara, SH. MH., Dr. Amelia Sri Kusuma Dewi, SH. MKn., Alfons Zakaria, SH. LLM. and Rumi Suwardiati, SH. MKn. holding discussions at the three Malaysian universities regarding IUP preparation by conducting a joint curriculum.

The IUP FH UB team visited the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSU) USIM

Associate Professor Dr. Izawati Wook as Vice Dean for Academic and International Affairs of the Faculty of Sharia and Law (FSU) USIM said that FSU has collaborated with FH UB in a fairly strong and intensive collaboration, so that this joint curriculum collaboration is believed to be running as expected.

Dr. Mohd Zamro Muda as Vice Dean of Prasiswazah Faculty of Islamic Studies UKM said that his party is ready to accept exchange students from FH UB. IUP FH UB students are invited to choose the courses offered each semester.

Based on the results of the discussion, it was agreed that IUP FH curriculum would contain courses that could be taken by IUP students who studied for at least one semester at a Malaysian university. IUP students are required to choose a university abroad that has collaborated with FH UB, to take part in learning for at least one semester.

UKM, UiTM and USIM are among the partner universities that students can choose. Other foreign universities have also prepared collaborations to accept IUP students, including universities in Australia, Hong Kong, Korea and Europe.

IUP is a superior program to increase the number of foreign students studying at FH UB, as well as increasing the competency of all IUP students so that they have the skills needed by the international job market.

In the future, IUP is expected to collaborate with QS 100 universities not only sending students but also in the form of job supervisors, external examiners and adjunct professors as a form of FHUB’s goal of getting QS 100 by subject.

The IUP FH UB team visited the Republic of Indonesia Embassy in Kuala Lumpur

The visit to Malaysia ended with a meeting with the Education and Cultural Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Firdaus, PhD, stated that he supports the FHUB internationalization program in Malaysia. (iup/rma/FH PR/ Trans. Iir)


  From Berita UB