The Community Service Team of the International Relations Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya held a workshop entitled “Increasing Awareness Regarding Consumerism and Global Solidarity Issues within the framework of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) for High School Students in Blitar Regency”. This activity was carried out face-to-face at SMAI Nabawi Maftahul Uluum, Blitar Regency, attended by 50 students from the SMAI.
This workshop was guided by two lecturers of the International Relations Study Program, namely Yustika Citra Mahendra, S.Sos., M.A. and Abdullah, S.Sos., M.Hub.Int. This community service is an implementation of the study of globalization in the International Relations Study Program. The IR Study Program itself emphasizes the importance of understanding dynamics at the global level and seeing its implications at the local level, and vice versa.
Abdullah said this activity is to prepare the younger generation, especially students in Blitar Regency to become part of Global Citizen and have Global Responsibility and be able to implement it into Global Action.
In his presentation of the material, Abdullah who is also a Lecturer of International Relations UB gives an understanding that global issues are issues in an area that have global impacts and global handling needs to be done to solve them.
“For example, human or industrial activities that burn land in Kalimantan have reduced green land in Kalimantan every year which incidentally is the lungs of the world, of course, this will have an impact on increasing the global warming temperature index. So even though the issue of green land depletion occurs in Kalimantan, which is a geographical area of Indonesia, the resulting impact is global and its handling must be resolved globally,” he explained.
Abdullah emphasized that to foster a sense of solidarity with these global issues, the current Z generation must have 3 things, namely knowledge, a sense of caring in society, and real behavior.
“So it is hoped that by fulfilling the 3 things above, there will be a better change in handling a global issue,” he said.
After the presentation of the material, the participants entered the Games Roleplay session which was guided by Yustika Citra Mahendra. Participants were asked to apply the material by drawing and writing a campaign as global citizens in solidarity to protect the environment. This session was packaged in an attractive manner where participants could take advantage of the tools kit that had been provided so as to be able to create creative campaigns.
With this workshop, it is hoped that high school students as campaigners and agents of change can carry out efforts to achieve the education agenda in the SDGs. (Humas FISIP/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)