POKARI: Diet Management Plan for Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Four Medical students of Brawijaya University including Sindy Olivia Roemahlaiselan, Siti Fatmawati, nanda Vier Yursyidah and Ryka Widyaningtyas initiated an idea named as POKARI (Pos Konseling Kebutuhan Kalori Diabetes Mellitus/Counselling Post on Calories Need for Diabetes Mellitus Patients).

POKARI is a program designed as management of daily menu diet for individuals with diabetes mellitus. Calories counselling itself is a process of delivering information in related with each individual’s calories need and so dietary habit consumed is appropriate with their needs.

By the program, then the team participated in assisting and improving quality of government programs listed in Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 39 Tahun 2016 tentang Program Indonesia Sehat Dengan Pendekatan Keluarga. The program’s focus towards government programs are including control of non-communicable diseases, Diabetes Mellitus.

The program conducted for around three months starts form March until May 2017 at Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu/Integrated Services Post) Taman Harapan of Semanding Village. Semanding Village was chosen as the location, because based on survey have accomplished by Puskesmas (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat/Community Health Centre) indicated that numbers Diabetes Mellitus patients in Semanding Village was quite high. One of Semanding Villagers habit is consuming food with high carbohydrate and fat with excess proportion than other nutrition sources.

POKARI is implemented every once a week with a total frequency six visits during this activity and there will be a monitoring each month. Three initial meetings focused on screening in purposive or snow-bolling method in which people come to Posyandu for blood sugar tests and Diabetes Mellitus counseling. At the next meeting, pre-DM or DM detected people invited to join in calories counseling. In its implementation, people who visited formed into peer group and so there was an interactive discussion and experience sharing on their diet consumption.

During implementation, the team in collaboration with cadre of Posyandu Taman Harapan of Semanding Village. The result was, after POKARI has implemented, Semanding Villagers become more understand on DM and their calories need. Result of further check-up also showed there was a blood sugar level declining than the initial check-up.

By understanding on calories need, people were expected will be more obedient to their food menu and so their daily consumption will be as recommended. Therefore, blood sugar can be maintained within the normal range.

POKARI implementation had high enthusiasm. Therefore, POKARI will continue to be done by involving Posyandu cadre as a way of people’s direct monitoring assisted by village health workers who will monitor the people’s progress from cadre’s monitoring result. The implementation of continuity between POKARI and government program, made in a model. [ryl/Humas UB/trans. Denok]