Plastic waste is quite crucial problem for humans, especially Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) waste which is generally found in the form of single-use drinking bottles. The increasing amount of plastic waste causes problems for the environment. Plastic waste takes up to 80 years to decompose that causing serious problems.
Based on these problems, five students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (UB) created an innovative PET plastic waste degrading tool called PETBIODEGREE. They are Faisal Maulana Malik Ibrahim (Physics 2019), Adinda Bunga Renatama (Geophysical Engineering 2019), Mariana Toasu (Physics 2019), Dita Alfira (Chemistry 2020), and Errando Philothra (Chemistry 2020) with the guidance of Dr. Diah Mardiana, M.S.

The PETBIODEGREE tool is a 3 in 1 tool that has the advantage that the plastic waste degradation process can be carried out more efficiently.
“In our tool, the plastic degradation process is carried out through three methods, namely irradiation using ultraviolet light, heating, and degradation using plastic-degrading microorganisms. With this treatment, it is expected that the PET plastic waste degradation process can run faster, even in just a few months,” said Dita, representing the team.
In terms of the power used in this tool, it can be said to be efficient so that it does not cause new problems.
“Our tool does not require a large amount of electricity, the total power used is 0.757 kwh with electricity costs for one process less than 1000 rupiahs,” said Errando.
Faisal added, this tool can be used by anyone because the operation process is quite simple for ordinary people.
Faisal’s team hopes that this innovation will be able to help the program towards a Clean and Plastic Free Indonesia 2025 be realized soon.
PETBIODEGREE has succeeded in obtaining research funding from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in the Student Creativity Program in the field of Creativity (PKM KC) in 2021. [Faisal/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]