There is an interesting expression said by the Head of the Malang Financial Services Authority (OJK), Sugiarto Kasmuri. He asked Universitas Brawijaya students who war Coldplay Ticket not to pay for tickets with money from illegal online loans.
This was said by Sugiarto Kasmuri when giving material at FISIP UB Student of Management Literacy Education Seminar on Wednesday (5/17/2023) held by FISIP UB in collaboration with Bank CIMB Niaga Malang Region.
He wants students that categorized in Gen Z to be able to plan finances better. One of them distinguishes between needs and desires.
“That need does not come suddenly if our desire comes suddenly and if fulfilled can disturb the safety and comfort of future life,” he said.
“One of them do not war the Coldplay ticket using illegal loans. Students if they are going to invest according to make sure it is legal and logical, “he continued.
Sugiarto Kasmuri revealed the characteristics of illegal investment is to promise bonuses from recruiting new members, utilizing community leaders or influencers, promising unnatural profits in quick time.
“Illegal investment also claims without risks and legality is also unclear,” he said.
Therefore, OJK is not bored to always campaign for the importance of financial literacy for the younger generation.
“Because what must be remembered that our purchasing ability has declined. In the past, I bought a burger in 1997 the price was 4600 but in 2020 the price was 38,000. Second, of course, because our lives are not always above, “Sugiarto said.
He also revealed that Gen Z has a strong role in financial resilience. First according to him, Gen Z can carry out self -development on an ongoing basis regarding financial literacy. Second, Gen Z can be a financial literacy ambassador and agent of change.
“And finally Gen Z can take advantage of their demographic bonus conditions to build public awareness related to the importance of financial literacy,” he said.
Meanwhile, Vice Dean of General and Finance, Dr. Ahmad Imron Rozuli revealed that financial management literacy education needs to be given to students so that they understand financial management well.
“Because they are superior generation candidates to prepare the gold Indonesia target 2045,” he continued.
At this online seminar, CIMB Niaga also provided savings worth Rp 100,000 for each participant who attended until the event was completed. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]