Advising UB Students, Former Deputy Mayor of Makassar: “Be an Inspiring Leader”


Deputy Mayor of Makassar for the 2014-2019 period, Syamsu Rizal Marzuki Ibrahim, said that the current leader must be inspiration to others.

This was stated by the man who is familiarly called Deng Ical during the webinar of Governmental Science Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Tuesday (23/11/2021). “Today’s leaders must be able to be an inspiration. Leading the subordinates in the same direction, knows the human resources in the institution,” he said.

Deng Ical mentioned several figures who were able to become leaders with inspirational models such as Soekarno, Jusuf Kalla, Khofifah Indarparawansa to Atta Halilintar.

“Including President Jokowi. In the past, you might never have predicted of becoming President, but then from the furniture business, Mayor, Governor and then President. That is a proof that he is capable of being a good leader,” said the man who is now the chairman of PMI Makassar.

This 48-year-old man explained that the challenge of a leader is to find the basic potential of each organization and the capabilities of their respective human resources.

“If they can’t do that, of course they can’t find a clear direction,” he said.

Therefore, to the student of Governmental Sciences Universitas Brawijaya, he hopes they become a leader who has the same rhythm to be able to achieve organizational goals.

“Develop the potential of participatory human resources so that that potential can be channeled properly. That’s the importance of a leader, “said Deng Ical.

The webinar, which was attended by the former deputy mayor of Makassar, was themed on the ability of leaders to manage conflict. Other presenters who were also present were the Head of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A) Nunukan, Faridah Ariyani who focused on discussing the development of Nunukan Regency under the leadership of Regent Asmin Laura Hafid, (Humas FISIP/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)