The Brawijaya University Zakat Infaq and Shadaqah Amil Agency (BAZIS) held a mass circumcision activity in the Corridor of the Rectorate Building, 1st Floor (Saturday, 09/30/2023).
The total of mass circumcision participants are 100 children. They come from UB families and less fortunate communities around campus. Circumcision participants were handled by 28 doctors who are members of the Indonesian Circumcision Doctors Association (ASDOKI), 19 volunteers and several other medical personnel.
A few days before being circumcised, the children received provision from the committee at FISIP UB Mosque (27/9/2023).
This activity is an annual BAZIS UB program to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, 1445 H. According to the Director of BAZIS UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, M.P. The first main program of BAZIS UB is an educational program in the form of providing Single Tuition Fee (UKT) scholarships. Second, social empowerment in the form of assistance to the poor around campus through KPRI (Employee Cooperation of the Republic of Indonesia) UB and shops around campus.
Third, a health program in the form of health assistance to security guards and cleaners for treatment at UB clinics. Fourth, an entrepreneurial program for students from underprivileged families. Imam hopes that the student entrepreneurship program can help students create and provide jobs.
Meanwhile, UB Rector Prof. Widodo, SSi., M.Si., Ph.D. Med.Sc. would like to express his gratitude to the people who have supported this mass circumcision program. “I hope that activities such as mass circumcisions, social service and others can be felt by the community around UB. “This activity is routinely carried out every year,” said Widodo.
Also attending this event was the rector, vice rectors, deans, PPA, directors and sharia supervisory board of BAZIS, children’s companions/parents and invited guests. (sitirahma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)