Planning Needs Accurate Colleges Database

The meeting on University of Brawijaya's database 2015.1Planning system designed by University of Brawijaya (UB) in order to improve qualities such as providing lecturers for colleges needs accurate data. Data should be synchronous starts from department until faculty. Data incompatibility in several levels becomes an obstacle factor in achieving university target.

Not only related with numbers of lecturers, the data associated with student graduation status also could be different. This regard delivered by Expert staff of Vice Rector on Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ashar in the opening of work meeting report on Higher Education Database 2015.1, Monday (29/3/2016).

Data differences in universities and faculties in related with graduation period no other because of differences definition in related with graduation period in university and faculty. According to the Faculty of Economic and Business’ Vice Dean on Academic Affairs, such happening is certainly harms students. They have to wait for several months to be declared passed.

Not to mention recently there are new regulations related with professor who has reached retirement age can extend their working period by proposing NIDK (Nomor Induk Dosen Khusus/special lecturer registration number). The mechanism could be entered into lecturer ratio thus influence ratio between lecturer and student. Yet in reality, the faculty also needs time to reappoint professors who have entered retirement age.

In related with NIDK, explained by Prof. Dr. Ir. Hendrawan Soetanto, M.Rur.Sc could be extended two times maximally, each for two years. [Siti Rahma/Humas UB/trans. Denok]