Arthritis Rheumatoid is an auto immune disease marked with chronic inflammation that cause joint pain, swelling, stiffness, loss of joint function, and premature death. This is as delivered by Andrijani Sumarahinsih in her dissertation titled “Interactive Analyzer Software System to Improve Intra Class Correlation Coefficient in Arthritis Rheumatoid Hand Radiograph Reading”. The open dissertation examination was organized on Tuesday (18/Oct/2016) at Faculty of Medicine building of University of Brawijaya.
Mentioned by Andrijani, in order to know the severity of joint damage is executed a radiograph assessment. But radiograph assessment commonly based on manual measurement which needs time and producing subjective assessment. This is due to variation of inter-observer and his/her consistency, and also limited observer’s expertise.
The research aims to build interactive analyzer software system which commonly used by observer in interactive ways to analyze and assess hand radiograph in AR patients with better consistency.
Consistency test is conducted with objectives to know reading consistency in inter-observer consistency and intra=observer consistency using ICC (Intra-class Correlation Coefficient) assessment classification.
Subjects to be used in the research are 46 AR suspected patients based on ACR/EULAR 2010 classification criteria by rheumatology consultant doctors in rheumatology division of internal disease polyclinic, Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang.
Of the research, it is obtained that INTERNAL system usage by observers interactively in analyzing and assessing joint erosion and joints narrowing gap in AR hand radiograph could increase consistency of inter-observer.
Dr. Andrijani Aumarahinsih, ST., MT was born in Malang, 2 August 1971. She was accomplished her electrical engineering bachelor program at Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya, and Master Program in Electrical Engineering from Brawijaya University. Recently she works as a lecturer in State Polytechnic of Kupang. [Irene/Humas UB/trans. Denok]