In the closing of the Community Service (KKN) activity in Bambang Village, Wajak District, it took place with great emotion and appreciation. Agricultural students from Universitas Brawijaya (UB) handed over the results of their service to the village community in the form of five toilets and a water tank. This initiative aims to help the community overcome sanitation problems and improve health in rural areas.
This service activity received high appreciation from Pujimulyo, Head of Pandanrejo Hamlet, Bambang Village, Wajak District, in his speech, expressing his deepest gratitude to fellow students from Universitas Brawijaya, especially from the Faculty of Agriculture, who had carried out service activities in their village. Because they feel very helped by the toilet and water tank programs that students have implemented.
“As the head of the hamlet, I saw firsthand the positive impact of this activity. The existence of five new toilets and water tanks that have been provided, of course, greatly helps our community in improving the quality of life, especially in terms of sanitation and health. We realize that so far there are still several obstacles related to access to proper sanitation in our hamlet. However, with this facility, we hope that the community can live healthier and cleaner,” said Puji.
Dr. Rahman Hartono, as the field supervisor for the KKN activities in Pandanrejo Hamlet, said that this toilet program has several main objectives that focus on improving sanitation and public health. This program has also increased public awareness of the importance of maintaining cleanliness and sanitation. With the hope that there will be public awareness that they will care more about the environment and continue to maintain cleanliness, so that a healthy and comfortable environment can be created to live in.
KKN activities during this period emphasize more on toilet efforts at the activity location. UB students hope that through this initiative, they can help Bambang Village community in overcoming various existing problems, especially in terms of sanitation and health. Thus, the existence of these new toilets and water tanks is expected to be the first step towards improving health and welfare conditions in the village. (zma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)