New Lecturers Learning Quality Improvement through PEKERTI

Prof. Dr. Munawar, SE., DEA memberikan materi pada PEKERTI bagi dosen baruA lecturer’s roles, one of them are determined by their ability in teaching process, and it becomes decisive factors in learning teaching. In fact, for them who just served as a lecturer is a professional job that needs education and training. This regard becomes an attention for Education Assessment and Development Institution (Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan/LP3) of University of Brawijaya to hold a Basic Skill Development Training on Instructional Technique (PEKERTI) for UB’s new lecturers for five days (11-15/Apr/2016).

New lecturers who join in recent PEKERTI amounts around 54 ones either come from UB or other universities’ lecturers. PEKERTI is realized that lecturers in higher education are commonly never have education, training or specific enrichment in instructional technical skill subject.

Then the new lecturers after join all the PEKERTI training components can more understanding on basics of teaching process and manage it dynamically. New lecturers also can teach by developing and appreciating large of instructional theories and technique basic principles thus in transferring knowledge into their students can be more effectively and efficiently based on systems and rules properly.

The training will be initiated with a lecturer’s self identification, as a lecturer, teacher and also discussion findings based on new paradigm essence as a lecturer. And afterwards will be pursued with many structured lectures planning program materials, presentation methods and also proper evaluation.

As well as, being discussed also the way to have proper education management and teaching. Material presentation technique during training conducted by presentation, discussion, exercise tasks completion and practice on presenting lectures. [dimas/Humas UB/trans. Denok]