Indonesia is a country that experiences many disasters, with of all kinds. Earthquakes are one type of disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. This happens because geographically the Indonesian archipelago is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire which is the meeting point of three world tectonic plates such as Indo-Austalian Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the Pacific Plate. So, volcanic and tectonic earthquakes occur very often.
The southern side of East Java, including Malang Raya, is an area located above active volcanoes and tectonic faults in the world which has the highest risk of experiencing earthquake disasters, both tectonic and volcanic. Malang city, as an urban area with the highest number and population density, needs special attention in terms of preventing and managing disasters due to earthquakes with many people at risk of being affected by this.
Issues regarding disaster knowledge capacity, compliance with regulations for building facilities and infrastructure that are resistant to disasters (earthquakes), organizing evacuation routes and other disaster mitigation efforts must continue to be improved. All of this can be achieved in a disaster management strategy by means of synergy, collaboration, coordination, command and implementation in the disaster management penta helix which includes: the government, the people, the business world, academics and media to work together because disasters are a shared matter.
Seeing this, the Team from the Disaster Medicine Division, Emergency Medicine Specialist Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University / RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar, carried out Community Service activities with the theme “Disaster Safe Schools” which will be held in November 2023, targeting schools in the city.
Head of the Community Service Team, dr. Suryanto Eko Agung N, Sp. EM, KDM in his interview explained that this activity was a manifestation of community service activities carried out by the Disaster Division of FKUB/RSSA Emergency Medicine Study Program.
The theme for the community service this time is “Disaster Safe Schools” or “disaster resilient schools”, starting with schools around RSSA, where the target is 5 (five) schools. Some of the schools targeted for this community service activity include: 1. Salahudin Middle School, 2. SDN 01 Klojen, 3. Malang Islamic High School, 4. Corjesu High School, and 5. Frateran Middle School. he explained.
Dr. Sur added, because we are part of an educational institution (Brawijaya University and RSSA) and this is the first time this activity has been carried out in a school environment around the RSSA area, with the target audience being the academic community including teachers, students and administrative staff. The material for increasing the capacity of the academic community provided is in the form of disaster theory and practice of initial handling of trauma cases in earthquake disasters.
Of course, this problem cannot be solved only from Brawijaya University alone, in the future we want to collaborate more widely with other educational institutions, or related agencies to strengthen the capacity of the disaster care community, especially in Malang City, and in the future we hope that this can become a role model which can be developed on a wider scale, he hopes.
Besides providing earthquake-related education, we also provide simulations and skills training for victims, and we will also photograph the location of the buildings and facilities of several schools so that we can provide recommendations on how to carry out evacuation procedures, strengthening the role of existing UKS in accidents. and disaster mitigation that must be carried out in each school, he said. (An4nk – FKUB PR/ Trans. Iir)