After going through a series of long selection processes, the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program team for the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya (PPK Ormawa BEM FK UB) which had passed the funding finally started a series of interventions for the people of Sumberejo Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. The theme raised by the PPK Ormawa BEM FK UB Team was a form of empowerment for village women with the title “Actualization of EMP (Education, Marriage, And Pregnancy): Sumberejo Women’s School for Improving Women’s Health Based on Girl-Centered Engagement in Realizing Village SDGs”.
Through the service program carried out by the PPK Ormawa BEM FK UB Team, the focus of intervention on health, economic and environmental sectors is expected to provide positive outcomes for village women. The PPK Ormawa BEM FK UB team carries out classification of interventions at each age by looking at the abilities and suitability of each member of the age group by dividing them based on the names of the fruit, including the Strawberry Class which is aimed at elementary school age children which will be held at SDN 1 Sumberejo, The Apple Class is aimed at unmarried teenage girls and is located at SMPN 4 Poncokusumo, and the Melon Class is targeted at adults or unmarried and is located in Aran-aran Hamlet area due to its location as the center of the village government. The implementation of each intervention will be in the form of a class with its own topic according to the target age class and the topic of the service being carried out.
Various stakeholders related to PPK Ormawa BEM FK UB Team really support the ongoing series of services in the future. BEM FK UB as the student organization is fully committed to supporting the implementation of various interventions in line with each topic that will be focused on, such as environmental topics which involve many friends from the Ministry of Environment, BEM FK UB and economic topics which will be presented by the Ministry of Social Affairs, BEM FK UB. Various components of the Deans and Rectorate also assisted the PPK Ormawa Team by providing various kinds of assistance such as provision and periodic monitoring to the PPK Ormawa Team BEM FK UB.
The program implemented aims to give birth to a generation of women who are ready to contribute actively in various areas of life, including education, health, environment and social, as well as helping solve problems faced by society, providing quality health, economic, social and environmental education to women as well as reducing gaps between men and women in terms of educational access, participation and outcomes. The team is very optimistic about being able to carry out the program optimally with the initial step being a Village Forum with various community components, especially women, such as the PKK, Fatayat NU Organization, village officials, also the village youth group at Sumberejo Village Hall on June 28 2024 to introduce further information regarding women’s school program that will be presented later. [fkub/pon/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]